Ready to Become a Diaspora Changemaker?

Learn the tips, tools and strategies to become an effective diaspora changemaker and avoid the common pitfalls so many diaspora leaders face!

Did you know?

Diasporas are growing at a faster rate than ever, but diaspora leaders lack the specific guidance and support to succeed. Are you tired of feeling lost and unsure about how to make a real difference?

Join us on a transformative journey to become an effective changemaker for your community and homeland.



You Can Reach Your Diaspora Goals

Learn why your journey matters and how it contributes to a world of positive change and growth.

You'll learn the proven strategies and insider tips to become a confident and effective diaspora changemaker to:

  • Discover the secret formula to turning your diaspora musings into tangible results.
  • Set diaspora goals that are achievable with serious impact.
  • Define what success looks like for your specific diaspora journey
  • Craft your roadmap for diaspora success through professional, personal and mission-driven goals.
  • Learn the art of building connections that feel like a networking breeze.

Yes, It Can Happen!

There is no better time to unlock the secrets of your successful diaspora leadership to empower you and your community.

In our Diaspora 101 Course, you’ll learn all about diasporas, identify your deepest passions, and design the diaspora initiative you've been dreaming about!

Course Dates

February 1 - March 15, 2024

Live Trainings: Tuesdays, 12:00 - 1:30 PM EST

Open Q & A: Thursdays, 12:00 0 1:00 PM EST

After Our 12-Session Course, You Could…

  • Turn your idea into a reality that fits your life
  • Have clear goals on what you want to do
  • Design the framework for your diaspora business, organization, or campaign idea
  • Be in a global network of diaspora changemakers

The right planning and discovery can make all the difference. We’ll cover it all in Diaspora 101: From Ideas to Impact.

The Transformation Journey Begins Now

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You Are Ready To Launch the Diaspora Initiative of Your Dreams?

Picture this: In just twelve sessions, you'll witness a remarkable evolution in your diaspora initiative. From honing your vision to strategically engaging your prime audience, this is your chance to turn your passion into action.

In the Diaspora 101 Course, you will:

  • Discover your unique diaspora vision and purpose.
  • Craft a powerful impact plan that aligns with your values and strengths.
  • Connect with your ideal diaspora audience and build a thriving community.
  • Learn how to avoid common pitfalls and navigate the complex world of diaspora engagement.
  • Feel confident and empowered to lead positive change for your community and homeland. 

This is your chance to:

  • Turn your passion into action.
  • Make a real difference in the world.
  • Connect with other like-minded individuals and build lasting relationships.
  • Become a role model and inspire others to get involved.

With a simple shift in your mindset and some foundational practices, you could launch the diaspora program of your dreams.

What's Included In The Course...

This is where you become a true diaspora leader, unleash your impact potential, tackle challenges with finesse, and dance through diaspora challenges like a piece of cake.


Understanding The Diaspora and You

The diaspora experience is a multi-faceted journey that is different for everyone. Learn about the foundation that shapes how you will engage with diasporas, including:

  • Understanding what diaspora is and how it shapes communities
  • Where do you start with your diaspora idea?
  • What are your diaspora motivations?

You’ll finish this course with an understanding of diasporas' multi-layered ecosystem and how you can best identify your approach with them.


Defining Your Diaspora Vision

With a better understanding of diasporas, the next step is to unpack your ideas and explore them in detail. In this lesson, you’ll learn how to:

  • Identify the 'why,' 'who,' and 'what' of your initiative.
  • Discover examples of impactful diaspora visions.
  • Uncover entry points for success and long-term goals.

You’ll finish this course with a clearer sense of your long-term vision and change goals.


Crafting Your Diaspora Mission with Purpose and Impact

With a clearer vision and purpose, you will be able to shape your mission, target audience and specific goals. In this lesson, you’ll learn how to:

  • Delve into understanding and defining your prime diaspora audience.
  • Explore industry examples for inspiration.
  • Craft a strategy tailored to your unique diaspora goals. 

You’ll finish this lesson with a robust, thoughtful action plan for your diaspora initiative.


Designing Your Diaspora Framework for Success

With your vision, mission and goals in tact, you can decide how you want to implement and achieve your goals. In this course, you’ll learn:

  • What kind of organizational entity works best for your goals
  • Potential organizaitonal risks and challenges you may face
  • Assess the pros and cons to help you decide your best course of action

You’ll finish this course with a framework for the diaspora initiative you want to implement.


Transforming Your Wins to Long-Term Impact

The final component is to learn how to measure and report on your impact. In this course, you’ll learn:

  • What short-term and long-term impact mean for your diaspora initiative
  • How to report and administer with transparency and accountability
  • How to generate public support and build a reputable brand

You’ll finish this course with a roadmap for the governance and operational considerations you will need to apply.

This Course Is For You If...

  • Diaspora entrepreneur, organizer, or creative.
  • Academic, professional, or individual passionate about your heritage.
  • First-generation, second-generation, or multigenerational diaspora member.
  • Tech-savvy and eager to leverage the power of social media.
  • Institutional partner looking to connect with diaspora audiences.
  • Investor seeking to attract diaspora investments and philanthropic engagement.
  • Influencer who wants to strategically elevate their diaspora profile.

From unraveling mysteries to crafting your vision, you're not just learning – you're on an epic adventure to transform your diaspora dreams into reality!


To receive a refund, you must cancel your participation within 24 hours after the course begins.  In all other cases, because of the extensive time, effort, preparation and care that goes into creating and providing the course, The Diaspora Academy has a no refund policy.Â